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Personal Trainer

Ken F.

291 Reviews


  • award icon Certified by International Sports Sciences Association
  • award icon Certified by Pilates Mat
  • award icon Certified by American Sports & Fitness Association
  • award icon Certified by Athletics and Fitness Association of America
  • award icon Certified by International Fitness Association
  • award icon Certified by International Fitness Professional Association
  • award icon Certified by National Academy of Sports Medicine
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Weight Loss
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Yoga
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Zumba
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Self Defense
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Soccer
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Strength Training
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Track and Field
  • thumbs up icon Expert in TRX
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Holistic Training
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Kettlebells
  • thumbs up icon Expert in MMA
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Pilates
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Plyometric
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Posing Competition Training
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Endurance Training
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Football
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Functional Training
  • thumbs up icon Expert in HIIT training
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Cardio and Conditioning
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Crossfit
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Bodybuilding
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Bodybuilding Competition Training
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Aerobic Fitness
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Aqua Aerobic Training
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Athletic Training
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Basketball Training
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Bikini Competition Training
  • Background Checked
  • Insured
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Ken Ford has been in the Fitness Industry for over 30yrs. He holds National Academy of Sports Medicine certifications in Corrective Exercise, Sports Nutritionist, Behavioral Change and Weight lose Specializations. As a Behavioral Change Specialist Ken has been able to effect change in individuals who happens to struggle with food addiction as well as undesired weight gain/obesity, by providing coaching in demystifying food Label Reading, assistance in setting up clients kitchen space for success by identification of “Red Flag” foods, meal prep guidance, as well as a food shopping excursion . Ken headed up Spa Lady’s Fitness Department from 2009 to 2014 a exclusive women’s Fitness Facility in S. Orange New Jersey. Ken’s Health & Wellness Philosophy is “ Your workouts are are only as successful as you are Nutritionally Supported” “Change your mind & the Body will follow” as well as “Abs are created in the Kitchen, not the Gym” Having been in the Service Industry most of his life, client satisfaction is Ken’s driving motivation.

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