Certified by National Strength and Conditioning Association
Expert in Strength Training
- Background Checked
- Insured

Hello, I’m Landon, thanks for checking out my profile. I am a new trainer looking to gain experience and grow my knowledge by training as many people as possible. I just recently graduated from Highline Community College in Des Moines in late 2022 where they have a great Personal Training program that is equivalent to the NSCA certification. It was a 2-year AAS degree that allowed me to start training clients safely and effectively. I am currently studying for the NSCA test so I can improve my credentials while also learning anything I can to become a better trainer and coach. My fitness background is a good mix of everything: Soccer, Cross Country, Track, Wrestling, Weightlifting. I am currently training Gi and No-Gi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and my favorite sport to watch is Mixed Martial Arts and Football. I currently help teach a youth wrestling and Brazilian jiu jitsu class and am looking forward to gaining new experiences and meeting lots of people through Svetness!