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Personal Trainer

Juan S.

21 Reviews


  • award icon Certified by National Academy of Sports Medicine
  • thumbs up icon Expert in Bodybuilding
  • Background Checked
  • Insured
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Ever since I was a kid I was always passionate about exercise and doing every kind of sport, In the beginning of high school I began my journey in the gym. It was exciting at first and I would try all different types of exercises and programs I would find online or watch videos of workout routines. The progress was great but eventually it all caught up to me and I started seeing my progress decline till I eventually hit a plateau. I tried everything but it wasn't giving me the same results. It was at this moment I started doing research and reading books from body builders to gain knowledge. The more I did studying I found a passion in learning about exercise and there was so much to learn and it wasn't as easy as people made it seem. Exercise can be a really complicated subject, and when I noticed that all friends at the gym has the same problem I had and didn't know how to break out I knew I could help them and doing so I enjoyed it very much. From that day I knew being a personal trainer was my passion. Seeing my friends break through plateaus and them enjoying the gym again as well as seeing results was an incredible feeling and I wanted to start helping others from losing weight, building muscle, or even just live a healthy life in general. Working out may be simple at first but there are a lot of factors that apply to seeing results and to keep training your body in the most optimal way, if most people were to do they're own research it would help but somethings get hard to understand, which makes my job to help simplify the complicated aspects and help make everything understandable, and for people who do wanna learn in depth I love to teach that too. Many people do different sports and sports are a great way to do cardio and even build muscle. I wanted to gain experience with every sport I could lay my hands on from golf all the way to gymnastics and martial arts so I can better understand were the client is coming from and give them the best training possible. My main goal is to give you the needed experience and knowledge for you to go to the gym by yourself and be able to have confidence in knowing what to do and how to break through difficult obstacles.

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